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Calliope Sez — Brick & Mortar RSS

HEY! It's Advice No One Asked For!

Welcome to the first of maybe some, maybe many, but definitely at least ONE post on: advice for brands no one asked for from a retailer. It's a working title. (What about "Business THOTs"? I'll come back to that.) I have been chewing on a question for a few month. I wondered if there were any articles about it, and thought about asking people who give out business advice as their job "Hey you ever brought this up at all?" and decided you know what? Imma bring it up myself. Hang tight for a sec while I launch into a quick background. Think of it like those recipe posts where they make you sit through a sermon before you get...

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On Being a Business Owner With ADHD

I think I first realized I had ADHD close to the beginning of the Pandy. A few people I follow on Instagram were talking about their recent diagnoses and one in particular talked about her experience in more detail saying she slept badly and always had nightmares. On top of everything else that is a common marker for ADHD; the fidgeting, the hyper-focus, the never-ending, ongoing Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in my head, I realized I also have nightmares all the time. I never have nice dreams or anything remotely amusing. Always upsetting to downright scary. After that, I started to look for more info about ADHD, which in case you don't know, is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. From what...

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Re-opening Update: Getting Ready!

Hai friends! Welcome to my new blog platform! For whatever reason, Wordpress was being a jerk and wouldn't let me post new things so I moved my critical posts over here and I'll be blogging from Shopify from now on! All my old posts have a date of April 5th but this one is for real a new post from TODAY. If you saw my Instagram stories from this morning, you know what I'm here to talk about: REOPENING! But I want to get all those thoughts 1) organized and 2) in a place I can refer people to once my stories expire. You guys know I have been closed to since last March, save a few weeks around the...

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Still Closed: Calliope During COVID

I don’t know what I can say differently that you haven’t heard from every other small business you love, or from what you read in the paper or online. The only difference if it will be said in my voice, and that’s what you guys come here for, right? Shit’s weird. Let’s start at the beginning. Halfway through March, more and more businesses and shops my size close up. I used to love seeing a pretty shelfie from my favorite shops on Instagram, but in March ’20 that started to mean one thing: “we’re closing”. It felt like a killer was making it’s way down a hallway, stabbing everyone in each room, and soon he would come for me. And...

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Calliope @ 3 Years: Hooray!

When I first opened 3 years ago, I did these little updates, sort of like a baby book; Calliope at 3 months, Calliope at 6 months. I just re-read the 3 month one. I remember writing it. I remember those feelings of fear, doubt, and more fear. I remember going home exhausted or crying. Driving straight to my mom’s house in tears for a hug. Those days are gone. There aren’t many tears these days. There has been fear. You guys have been with me for all of it and here we are THREE YEARS LATER! I can’t believe it. They say the first 2 are the worst. (No shit.) And by 5 you can breathe. well I’m right in...

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